Payday lenders a few years ago only offered cash advance loans up to $500 - Then, some started offering payday loans up to $1000, now companies are starting to offer loans up to $1500. Before you start an application process to get yourself a $1500 payday loan, consider some points about how payday loans work. You will probably end up wanting to borrow as little as possible.
Payday Loans are Expensive - Payday loans are notorious for charging much, much more in fees than credit card companies do. The trade off is, that the application process is much simpler and you get your cash fast. But, the price for quick cash is high. Most payday loan companies charge anywhere from $8-$30 per week per $100 borrowed. It can be anywhere from 300-900% APR. Most credit cards are anywhere from 8-30% APR.
Interest Adds Up Daily - Payday loan interest is adding daily, so you shouldn't borrow the cash for a day longer than you need to. Consider this, if you borrow $500 for only 2 weeks, at the rate of $10/per week, per $100 borrowed, that's $100 in interest you are going to pay after just two weeks. Think about what else you can buy for $100.
Use The Minimum Amount You Need - To save on those fees, only borrow the bare minimum you can get away with borrowing. However, even with the high fees, there are going to be times when you absolutely can justify the interest in order to have your cash deposited quick. If you are avoiding late fees with bills, bounced check fees, utility shut-offs and other emergencies, a $50-$100 interest payment may be the least of your worries.
To view our list of recommended payday loan companies online, visit this page: Our Recommended Payday and Cash Advance Lenders Online.
Carrie Reeder is the owner of ABC Loan Guide, an informational website about various types of loans.
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